I became the medicineI needed
My hand is outstretched to yours, guiding you on your path back home from the underworld.
I will show you the way to the portals within you where you will liberate your Self from trauma.
I’ll hold space for you as you eradicate shame and come into the remembrance of your truth.
I’ll be your witness as you take off your armor and relearn that your body is an instrument for expression when allowed to take the shape and size of your emotions.
I will you teach you how to transform your shadows into gifts and awaken Self energy from within your core.
I will hold you in the frequency of unconditional love as you reopen your guarded heart.
I will be a mirror and container for you as you as you undergo your greatest metamorphosis.
I will take your hand and we will cross the threshold, giving you fully to the natural continuity of your healing journey.

I’m a 6/2 manifesting generator, born on the Aquarius Pisces cusp of sensitivity, an athlete and an artist, whose path has been illuminated by tantra, plant medicine, and the energetics of Human Design + Gene Keys.
My work is also influenced by somatic experiencing, internal family systems, attachment theory, polyvagal theory, and depth and archetypal psychology.
I fuse spiritual sciences and psychology modalities to help you create flexibility in your nervous system, a felt sense of surrender in your body, repair in your relational field, and soul expansion into your particular genius.
Through my one to one and group containers, and my beloved podcast Return to You, you will have the resources to embody your individuated Self and activate the deep truth that lives within each cell of your body.
Here’s how:
·Do you want the codes to heal the somatic and energetic imprints left behind from childhood trauma?
·Do you want to fully accept your SELF and remember your genius?
·Do you want to open your heart so wide that you attract relationships that are in true resonance?
Take the first step on your divine path…

My story began
At twenty-two, I lost my father to a twelve-year battle with cancer. Twelve years of my developmental years revolved around the question, “Is my dad going to die today?
As he took his last breath, it took my breath away. A loss so deep and a constriction so intense, it took me to the underworld, where all initiations begin.
Before his passing, life was chaotic. Divorce, infidelity, addiction, illness, moving, money problems. Childhood was more of a blur than a nostalgic memory. Being the oldest daughter also colored my experience.
Losing my dad brought what was buried deep within me to the surface, childhood trauma. It was one prolonged spiritual awakening that began in the form of panic attacks and ulcerative colitis. A dark night of the soul that lasted for a decade.
I attended one funeral for him, but since then, many of my own. I knew I had survived, but now the work for me was to come back to life.
I began “the work” as a student and on the therapy couch. Both normalized my experience and gave me the language to talk about what I had been through. I earned a BA and MA in Depth and Archetypal Psychology and was the mentee to a renowned Jungian Analyst, as well as to a direct protegé of Peter Levine. Both directly influenced my healing journey.
Alongside my academic pursuits, I was a personal trainer, collegiate athlete, competitive bodybuilder, and a professional equestrian show jumper. I was groomed from an early age to be an athlete, and while there is a standard of excellence I believe this provided me, it also further desensitized me from my body.
I learned to push through, to compete, to take no days off, to always be in pursuit of a goal, that rigidity was the path to success. I learned to prioritize my aesthetics above how I felt. This was a recipe for disconnection, disembodiment, and dismissal of my feminine.
My body was shutting down, saying no more, and was communicating with me through fluctuations of intense anxiety and chronic numbness.
I wasn’t breathing, at least not deeply. I was living in functional freeze and completely unconscious to that fact.
I was forced to reckon with the rigidity and small window of tolerance of my nervous system, as I was attempting to control what was unmanageable. The choice to slow down didn’t come from me, but the symptoms I was experiencing in my body.
Slowing down was terrifying because it led me back to sensation, to feeling the unresolved emotions repressed within me.
The transformation that was happening, the internal renegotiation that was occurring, led me to practices that nurtured me, not punished me. I found my way to yoga. I remember my first time on the yoga mat where my breath created a connection between my mind, body, and spirit. Something I had never felt before.
Yoga led me all over the world, stretching as far as India, where I earned 500+ hours of Yoga Teacher Training Credentials. I taught, I led, I spoke in Sanskrit, I meditated and sank into savasana, I did Kundalini and opened my hips. I learned to live more embodied.
The felt sense that was coming back online disclosed the heartbreak I had been living with my entire life. I wouldn’t be able to release trauma and truly heal until I learned how to open my heart again.
I found myself drawn to many unhealthy, codependent, and toxic relationships. Each one more intense than the last. A true battleground for my heart.
Each painful rupture was an invitation to transmute karma. Each one took me deeper into my pain and panic.
The journey of repair in my relational field and cleaning up my own energy wasn’t easy. The beginning of releasing my pain body took me to my knees. From a surrendered posture I began the journey from my ego to my heart.
From a surrendered place I actually began to heal. I fully resolved all GI disturbances without medication, shocking the medical experts who told me it wasn’t possible, and my anxiety significantly diminished the more I let go.
I found my way back to horses and to dance. The two places that made me feel the most alive. In the dance studio, I met a man who danced from heart and soul, whose energy was so gentle, even my walls didn’t want to keep him out.
I fell into a deep love. A love that made me face myself. A love that held me as I began to heal the many layers of attachment trauma I had experienced. It was a love that penetrated my heart so directly that it pierced my sacred wound.
What bled out from this wound was the level of betrayal I had experienced and how I was continuing this legacy all on my own. I had learned how to eroticize my wounds and bypass the pain of objectification by continuously giving myself away.
This relationship opened a doorway to my hidden shame. However dark and dangerous the dungeons of shame were, the deeper I went into the chambers of my heart, what I discovered was my core innocence. The grounds for a true sense of Self to come back to life.
Our partnership made up a major chapter in my life, but we didn’t have the relational skills to make it last a lifetime. And we weren’t meant to. Our love set us both free.
The loss of this relationship taught me how sacred heartbreak is. It’s the most fertile grounds for embodiment, integration, and fuller expression of our authentic selves.
It opens up a portal for sacred rage and grief, from the present loss, but also as far back as this lifetime goes and from our ancestral lineage, to be released if we can stay in touch with our body and expand our capacity to feel.
It was this very love that cracked me wider open and made me hungry to learn the art of conscious relationship and sacred intimacy. To unpack codependency patterns, insecure attachment, and sexual trauma.
It showed me what happens when polarity leaves a relationship, how resentment erodes connection, and how if we don’t resolve our childhood traumas our adult relationships will play them out and take them into the bedroom.
Our adult relationships will retraumatize us in the same way our original wounding did, until we accept the initiation to break the cycle. Until we learn to choose ourselves.
Discovering your True Self often comes through a sacred pause, a deep breath in solitude, getting to know your own energy.
Solitude is a silent guardian of the soul. A solitary witness to the love and war that exists within the depth of your being.
Solitude asked of me to let go of every external anchor point in my life. To destabilize my external world until I could generate profound internal core stability. To deprioritized romantic love from the pedestal and get serious about Self love. To dive into my human design, astrology, and gene keys, to be in true energetic alignment and truth frequency.
The less I had to cling onto, the more I could hear Source within me. I heard the call to celibacy and sober curiosity, as my sacred preparation for divine union. I felt the pull to sit with plant medicine, the gateway to the deepest parts of my psyche. Through these psychedelic journeys, I cleared my channels for life force to radiate through me. A full soul retrieval.
And as I sit in the jungles of Costa Rica, I’ve arrived at my deepest work, what I came here to do both professionally and personally, the ancient art of Tantra.
Tantra led me to the temple within. The home I had always been searching for out there. To a divine inner union where I am in complete devotion to my body, heart, and life force. To be turned on by my own creation energy. Where I am no longer afraid of my power or my sexuality because it’s been purified through my heart.
My life and all of the many initiations I walked through, amplified what was inside of me.
I am theMedicine.

Let my story be an example of what is possible for you.
Learn About My Offerings
One to One
For the person who is done living a conditioned life and is ready to live an erotic life.
Together we will co-create a safe relational field for you to bring your FULL truth forward. This will be medicine for your dysregulated nervous system and closed heart. You will be turned on by your own self discovery.
One to Two
This is for the partnership that demands truth above all else.
Together we will make conscious where you’re not free through conscious repair and communication alchemy. Your union will be the vehicle for the fullest embodiment of Self expression, in and out of the bedroom.
In Person Immersions
For the person or couple on a precipice of a profound opening.
An intensive experience to deep dive into your core wound, essence, and stability, where we will sequentially unlock SELF energy to come into resonance with what you truly desire to create.
Energy Readings
For the person who wants to unlock the codes to their raw potential stored within their DNA.
Receive a trauma informed and Psychology infused reading of your Human Design Chart overlayed with Gene Keys Contemplation. Bring forward potent questions and allow your unique design to reveal a deeper truth and an even deeper invitation.
SELF Sourced
The SELF Sourced Woman fills her entire being with her own LOVE and LIFE FORCE.
Join an intimate group of women for a 5 month group journey that will combine live circles and embodiment practices with an in-depth curriculum, designed to help you transmute the downward spiral of shame into unconditional love, connection, and raw life force energy.
Four Part Workshop Series
Created to help you deepen into your core stability and build trust in what you came here to do. By excavating your greatest challenge, you intentionally put your Self on the path to your greatest breakthrough. You will enhance your physical core stability and health of your body through this contemplation series.