To be turned on by your own Self Discovery

Together we will co-create a safe relational field for you to bring your FULL truth forward. This will be medicine for your dysregulated nervous system and closed heart. You will be turned on by your own Self discovery as we eradicate shame and channel Self energy.
This is for the leaders, artists, healers, athletes, old souls who are on the path of individuation and templated for divine love.
For the ones who don’t just want to break cycles, but complete them.
We will reprogram your unconscious energetic imprints from childhood trauma to live and love directly and intimately.
You will disassemble all that has been conditioned, making space for your most profound heart opening, deepest Self awakening, and unlocking of your sacred genius.
Through the fusion of psychology, spiritual sciences, and tantra, we will illuminate the path for conscious intimacy, embodiment, and spiritual integration.
This path is one of deep soul retrieval and somatic surrender, it is not for the half hearted.
Calling your sacred Self forward
The codes already exist within your DNA. The key is in the sequential unlocking of SELF energy.

Through somatic inquiry and Polyvagal theory, develop your felt sense, learn the language of your nervous and attachment systems, and the art of conscious relating.
Through the exploration of your Gene Keys and Human Design, master the intensity of your emotions by aligning to your energetic blueprint and coming into resonance with your truth.
By reparenting your inner child and unburdening protectors and exiled parts, we begin the process of de-armoring and de-masculinizing your body and your heart, opening to artistry in the relational field.
Through depth and archetypal psychology, you will integrate unconscious desires and fear, transmuting this energy into gifts. You will experience profound intimacy as your channels open for Self energy to turn you on.
Tantra will illuminate the tension of polarity, the integrity of your Inner union, and the path of ego surrender. You will be elevated to higher levels of consciousness and embody open heart frequency, connecting you to Source.
Self Actualization
Through the structural containment of psychology modalities, and the energetic expansion of spiritual sciences, you will come into full embodiment and your widest range of Self expression. This is the path of true individuation.

My most sacred and intimate containers.
For the person who is done living a conditioned life and is ready to live an erotic life.

One to One
6 Month Virtual Container
·Weekly virtual sessions
·Energetic Blueprint reading
·Voice and chat support throughout
·Option for micro-dosing protocol
·Option to add an in person immersion
You will be invited to descend into your body. Deeper and deeper. Until you embody your truth. To open your heart. Wider and wider. Until your ego bows in surrender to your heart. To shed your skin. Layer by layer. Until you touch your core essence. To eradicate shame. Purge by purge. Until you liberate Self energy.
This is for the person who wants to experience a complete metamorphosis of their core stability, who is in preparation for sacred partnership, and is fully committed to unlocking their raw potential.

One to Two
Couples Virtual Container
·Virtual one to one and one to two sessions each month
·Energetic Blueprint readings for both partners
·Option to add an in person immersion
·Option for micro-dosing protocol
You will be guided to navigate polarity, the art of conscious repair, and communication alchemy. Your nervous system will be stretched by the principles of non-duality, equanimity, and nonattachment. You will be confronted by your ego defenses, childhood attachment templates, and sacred wounding.
This is for the partnership that desires to transmute karma through their union, to purify their heart for evolution of their energetic frequency, to heal trauma in the bedroom, and is committed to the fullest embodiment of Self being possible in relationship.
This is for the partnership that demands truth above all else.

In PersonImmersions
If what you desire to create and who you’re consistently being are on two different frequencies, you won’t receive what you want in life and love. You’ll continue to get what you’re a match for.
An intensive experience to deep dive into your core wound, essence, and stability, where we will sequentially unlock SELF energy to come into resonance with what you desire to create.
·An a la carte experience or an add on to a virtual container
·Virtual intention and integration calls before and after immersion
·Optional micro-dosing protocol and journey together
·Food and accommodation provided, airfare and travel expenses not included

Energetic Blueprint
·Single virtual one to one session
·Receive a trauma informed and Psychology infused reading of your Human Design Chart overlayed with Gene Keys contemplation
·Unlocking codes to a potent portal of Self Energy waiting inside of you to be actualized
·Clarity on core wounds blocking sacred purpose and divine love from flowing through you
Coming into energetic alignment will be your biggest ally in taking sequential steps towards opening and receiving your deepest longings. Bring forward potent questions and allow your unique design to reveal a deeper truth and an even deeper invitation. The path of aligned action adjacent to the journey of contemplation and tantra, will guide us through your challenge, breakthrough, and core stability, where you will arrive at energetic alignment.

Self Sourced
Intimate group container
·5 month virtual container
·1 one to one session with Erika
·3 live circles each month
·Community chat support throughout container
·In depth curriculum with PDF’s, worksheets, journals, and voice transmissions
·Lifetime access to material
·Option for additional one to one support
SELF Sourced was created for the woman coming back in touch with her sense of Self. For the woman who appreciates being seen, but prefers to be FELT.
For the woman who desires to stop unconsciously forcing others to reject her because she cannot receive her Self. For the woman who is ready to stop giving her Self away and become the guardian of her body and heart. For the woman who wants to build staying power to transmute the downward spiral of shame into power, pleasure, and radiance.
Shame is both destruction and disgust and the bridge to eros and connection, when you learn how to wield shame into NASTY.

Fill your Self up and let it pour over...
When you’re fulfilled and satisfied, you radiate energy towards others. When you’re empty and deprived, you pull energy from others.
A SELF Sourced woman..
·Reparents herself
·Enjoys her body
·Believes in her core innocence
·Exalts her Self care
·Trusts the masculine
·Honors her Sacred NO
·Plays in mystery
·Artist in love
·Melts in relaxation
She has reclaimed her pleasure.
Here’s How:

A sacred space will be created for your Self care practices.
We will be touching into post traumatic stress stored in the body from childhood attachment trauma and creating the space for somatic release.
As you begin to enter the world of your body your felt sense will be activated and your sensitivity will be turned on.
The process of deconditioning your ego defenses and protector parts will be initiated.
You will learn that allowing any emotion to be fully felt will lead to the experience of pleasure.
Pleasure is healing and will bring you into deep states of relaxation as you begin to trust yorself and your emotions again.
You’ve now restored your power source from survival energy to life force energy.
As you stand in your power, you stabilize your center, move closer to individuation, and implement creation energy to manifest.
The simultaneous experience of arousal and surrender, means you’ve connected to Source.
To be Self Sourced is to be fully Self expressed, fulfilled from the inside out, and living in the frequency of unconditional love.

The Self Sourced Woman fills her entire being with her own love and life force first.
For the woman who is ready to surrender her rigidity, her resistance, and her restriction to how much life and love she can feel…

Solid Sense of Self
Free Masterclass
·60 minute class
·Identify and dismantle survival patterns keeping you stuck
·Embody your core Self
·Lifetime access to masterclass recording
If as a child you were disrupted in your developmental process, you were blocked from embodying your core self. We have to go back to where we got interrupted in childhood and fill in holes to rebuild your inner foundation. Join me on the journey of dismantling survival patterns and learning to Self Source.

Who's Erika?
Erika is a multidimensional trauma and relational coach.
She holds a BA/MA in depth and archetypal psychology, studied under a renowned Jungian Analyst, and was mentored by Peter Levine’s protegé. Both directly influenced her healing journey and the space she holds for clients.
She’s spent a lifetime learning how to dismantle SHAME and DEMASCULINZE her sense of Self so she could fully embody her multiplicity.
She fuses ancient feminine wisdom, spiritual sciences, tantra, and psychology modalities to help you create flexibility in your nervous system, a felt sense of surrender in your body, resonance and eroticsm in your relational field, and soul expansion into your particular genius.